november almost here Years ago I first saw French actress Beatrice Dalle in Jim Jarmusch's film Night on Earth. She was in the Paris segment portraying a blind woman sitting in the back of a cab. Her and driver talked about how being blind affected her lovemaking. The driver thought that she was missing out on so many things, but she said that she knew her lover far more intimately through her other senses. That was all that I knew about her at the time and didn't learn about her role in Betty Blue until many years later. Betty Blue was made before Night on Earth and I suspect that I probably wouldn't have been as drawn to Dalle if I had seen the two films in chronological order. It was the quiet dignity that she had in that cab that made me take notice of her. None of that was visible in Betty Blue. Her character in Blue was highly unstable with each new outburst more extreme than the last. I'm not saying that her performance was flawed. I'm just saying that I found the character to be repellant. ... I didn't have a chance to see the local weather, but a heat wave of sorts crossed the state today. Warm winds battered the trees for the entire day and it was all very odd to me. |