the eleventh hour

I haven't seen that many Italian films, but the ones that I have seen seem to share a few common motifs that puzzle me. If I am to believe the world portrayed in their films, Italian men and woman are always well dressed and travel in groups of seven to eight people. These groups mill around the countryside doing little more than talking and drinking. Now neither of these activities is much cause for alarm, but I have to wonder what life is like for the everyday Italian instead of the idle rich. Then again maybe I need to choose different Italian films to watch instead of ones made by Fellini or what I saw today called, L'Avventura.

L'Avventura almost confused me more than the Fellini films that I have seen which are far from ordinary or straightforward. The basic plot of the movie is that a woman goes missing after an outing and her lover and best friend spend the rest of the film trying to find her. Nothing else really happens and for most people that lack of a story frustrates them.

I pretty much felt the same way until I started to listen to the commentary and slowly thought about changing my mind. Maybe there was a message to the film, but I had to pay more attention to what I saw. Not everyone buys into this idea and some reviews that I read said that the movie was a classic example of the emperor's new clothes. As for me I have yet to make up my mind.

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