chicago to iceland

After getting dragged into an impromptu meeting at work this morning that lasted almost an hour after I was supposed to leave, I walked out the door ready to start my weekend. I'm not saying that the past week was unbearable. All that I am saying is that I would rather not be there any longer than truly required of me. My three day weekends are what keep me sane and I try to get as much out of them as possible before I have to return to the clock watching that tries to pass itself off as a career.


CBS came through for me this evening by offering a two hour opening episode of The Amazing Race that I thoroughly enjoyed. Once again I get to see how Americans act when they are outside the insular world of the United States. The contestants quickly learn that not everyone is playing Halo 2 and trying to stay on his or her Atkins Diet.

At the moment I can't say that I have a favorite team, but I did like the couple that came in first in this opening leg of the race. The two of them seemed to do the least amount of shouting at each other. Travel can be trying at times and the producers of the show love to highlight those emotional breakdowns. Despite that melodrama, I do still like to see where they get to go and envy them at the same time. I probably won't leave the state until next year let alone get to walk around on a glacier any time soon.


A year ago my sister was preparing herself for Iraq, now all that she does is count down the days until she returns home. I suspect that she prefers this latter scenario more than the former.

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