wednesday means movies When I had finished reading Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, a friend at work and I started discussing her most well known work The Handmaid's Tale. Both of us had read and thoroughly enjoyed the book. Then as we talked some more the topic of the movie came into the conversation. My friend had seen it and I hadn't. Now thanks to Netflix that has changed and I can say that I have seen it too and am looking forward to talking about it with my friend next week. My friend hadn't gotten my expectations for the movie that high and for that I am grateful. Something was definitely missing from the movie that the book did so well. For me what was lacking was the internal monologue of Kate. Instead of hearing her thoughts all that we the viewer got was some strained facial expressions. Plus I was disappointed to see that they had changed the uniform of the hand maidens. The color was correct, but instead of a nun's habit they wore a red scarf on their heads and I have no idea why. ... Leaving behind the social lessons of Margaret Atwood, I sat back and enjoyed watching the surfing film Step Into Liquid. Having been to Hawaii and experienced the waves there, I can partly understand why surfers do what they do, but at the same time I couldn't imaging wiping out so many times. All of that disorientation of being caught up in so much water and the amount that they must swallow has to take a toll on their system. Maybe once a person gets better at being in the water it doesn't happen as much as I think it does. Putting aside the negative part of surfing, I suspect that riding in front of that much water has to be an incredible feeling and part of me envies them. I doubt that that kind of sensation can be recreated on land. ... After a couple of weeks of switching channels between Lost and Smallville, I decided to give my primary attention to Lost this week and I think that I made the right choice. Lost at least moves the story ahead a little each week whereas Smallville reverts back to status quo by the end of an episode. |