survivor cook islands

Before I let myself fall asleep this afternoon, I watched the final two hour episode and the accompanying live reunion of the latest season of Survivor that I had recorded Sunday. I was very pleased with what I saw. In my opinion Yul deserved to win. The man played the game almost perfectly yet still remained a very likable person. Oh, Ozzy may have been dominant in the physical aspect of the game, but Yul was definitely the Survivor of Cook Islands.

I remember when the very first season of Survivor debuted back in 2000 and my vague interest in it at the time. Obviously it was very original, but if my memory is correct, I saw the very first episode and then promptly flew to Europe for three weeks. By the time that I returned home to America, my interest in the show has passed. Through the following years, I was aware of the program, but it wasn't until last year when season ten that took place in Palau aired, that I got hooked. Castaway Stephenie was the person who first caught my attention, but it was a short step from seeing her interact with the others, that I started to seriously enjoy the whole concept.

Now with the four most recent seasons under my belt and a viewing of season two on DVD, I have to say that I am definite fan of the show and am looking forward to the next one. Whenever I watch the program, I do wonder if I would be able to do what the castaways have to endure and quite often my answer is a reluctant yes. My biggest obstacle would be the hunger factor followed by the heat element involved in the experience. Whenever I do not have enough food to eat and am hot, I tend to get very irritable and find it hard to concentrate. Both of those aspects of the game would probably interfere with my performance. Conversely those same two factors might drive me to be more aggressive and win.

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