growing jade plants

Today had to be one of the best Tuesdays that I have had in a long time and now that I have a found a system that works for me, I hope to repeat the experience next week. To start and or end the day, work ended on a positive note and I managed to complete more than a couple errands before I finally walked through my front door to relax. Here is a brief summary of what I did that made me so pleased with myself.

After a quick stop at the dentist to pick up my next set of trays, I decided that it was time to get a new saute pan for my kitchen. For months if not years, the pan that I have been using has had all of its Teflon coating chipped away. I suspect that that is not something healthy, but it isn't as though I use the pan on a daily basis. At least that is how I could justify using it in its present condition for as long as I have. Now all of that can change with a fresh pan with a deeper bowl than the one I had been using.

Fresh from my success at Target, I did some impulse shopping at a local plant store chain and was quite happy to find that I everything I bought was on sale. Lately I have been very fascinated with jade plants and wanted to add another one to my present collection of three. Two of the plants are at work, while the third and healthiest of the group has a prominent place on my breakfast bar. My goal is to see how big I can get one of the plants to grow.

By the time that I had filled the gas tank of my car in an effort to beat the next price increase, I saw that it was time for the local comic book shop to open and decided to make a visit. I knew that issue five of The Trials of Shazam had been released last week, but I also wanted to get some new storage supplies for my collection. All of those items were easy to find and before bringing my purchases to the counter I picked up two issues of JSA Classified that were written and drawn by Walter Simonson. I had no idea that he was doing any monthly work and seeing his version of Hawkman was a must have buy for me.

So I may have gotten home two hours later than I usually do on a Tuesday morning, but thanks to a few well placed stops along the way, I had new reading material, new plants and a new saute pan by the time that I pulled into my garage. It was time well spent. Then after reading just one issue of my new stack, I quietly slipped off to sleep.

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