I Can Be Social

Today's entry might seem like a contradiction to yesterday's entry, but I don't think so. I think that the two of them dovetail nicely.

I went out to eat with Ginkgo. Actually this is the second time this week that we have gone out to eat. We also went out on Wednesday night.

She is the first person that I have ever met from online and I am glad that I did. Its nice to be able to just sit and talk with someone for a few hours. For me thats far more enjoyable than going to a bar or a party. I can just sit there and talk for hours and we do. Actually we closed the restaurant both nights.

We talk about anything and everything all at the same time. Its nice and I think that we have established a weekly habit. This is a good habit though not a bad one.

What I meant by this entry not negating what I wrote yesterday is that I am much better in a one on one situation. I can be very social if it is just me and another person. The contact means far more to me than a group function.


