Two More Days My good mood from yesterday seemed to carry over to today. The only time that it tapered off was for about an hour after I had spoken with my car insurance company. I can't really tell how they took my side of the story. Up until now I had a clean driving record with no prior accidents or tickets. Oh well, I can't undo what is done. I can only hope for the best. Work was tolerable. There was one difference today from last week. I had my new cd player with me at work. We don't have muzak and I get tired of listening to my coworkers, so it seemed like a good idea. I now know that I need more than three discs to make it through the day though. Three discs go by real fast in an eight hour day and repeating the same three isn't the answer either. On the other hand I guess you can't complain too much about a job where you can listen to your own music. On the ride home from work I was almost hit by another car. It was at the very last intersection before my house too. My house was just further down the block. If the other car had hit me, I would have loved to see the police report. The other car was a police car. Officer friendly had decided to run a stop sign and nearly hit me. Moron. He knew that he was wrong and kept on going after he just missed me. I also doubt that he was on his way to some emergency. He was just being careless. To serve and protect, moron, not kill and disregard the law. I understand the function of having a police force, but there are times that I think they are some of the lowest members of society. They have been given the authority to maintain order in the service of the law, but sometimes they seem to interpret the law to meet their own needs. When Ginkgo and I were talking the other day, she said that cynicism is born from idealism. I agree with her completely. More than one person has called me a cynic and this is true. Time and time again, I feel that humanity has let me down. Maybe I expect too much. Am I judge, jury and executioner? Sometimes I am. I know that I have a personal code of ethics that I try to follow and mistakenly believe that others also have a code of ethics.
Doctor Who managed to calm me down though. Today's episode was one toward the end of the Tom Baker era, Destiny of the Daleks. I still love that program after all of these years. Only the British could create something like Doctor Who. Cheap special effects and some bad acting are common, but it managed to carry on longer than anything in America. People seem to forget that Star Trek bombed the first time around. I'll be the first to admit that Doctor Who is an acquired taste and is not for everyone.
Tonight was also the final episode of the Michael Palin program Full Circle. I'm going to miss watching it every week.