Free for a Day

Work seemed to take forever today and was compounded by yet another emotional outburst by me. This time my anger was directed at a coworker.

A programmer had made some modifications to the database while I was in Omaha which I was told about by my partner in my department. Somewhere along the line I misunderstood something. It seems that everything that I entered into the database since I have been back was wrong and needed to be modified slightly. One field required two zeroes at the beginning of each entry and I had neglected to insert them.

After ranting about the programmers poor excuse for an application, I refused to make all of the changes by myself and questioned why no one else noticed what I had been doing for the last week and a half. Plus his little comment asking me if I knew how to do my job didn't help.

This isn't the first time that this programmer and I have gotten into a dispute. There are two reasons why we argue. The first reason is that he takes his job far more seriously than I take mine. Other people have said the same thing aboout him so I know that it isn't just me either. The second reason is that I could probably do his job if I knew just a little bit more of programming.

Most of my rant consisted of me muttering:

Pay me forty thousand a year and I'll write the fucking program myself.

This lasted until I decided to simply put my headphones on and start keying away much to the relief of my neighboring workers.

I think that I have been a little tense since I got back from Omaha. Part of me is upset that very little at work has changed. Besides the change in the database, its the same old routine. In Omaha I was asked to do something new everyday. At work its the same thing everyday.

Friday will be a little different at work though. The rest of the people in my department have decided to put me in charge for the day. The only reason they did this was because they all want the day off and I said that I didn't mind being there. If anything goes wrong, I'll be making some quick phone calls because I certainly am not an expert yet.

I guess that I have to keep everything in perspective and remember that I hadn't even started this job a year ago. My one year anniversary is in December. Plus everything that I am doing now was new to me at one time and I do keep moving forward every so often.

This doesn't mean that I can't teach myself some programming on the side though.



