No More Work Today was so much better than yesterday. I managed to crawl out of bed early enough this morning to have some breakfast at home. Usually I grab something to eat during the first meeting at work much to the amusement of my coworkers. Breakfast for me can be anything. Hot dogs with some chips and salsa on the side is not uncommon. This is washed down by either soda or some frappuccino. It all depends on my mood. Another favorite of mine is some Hamburger Helper made the night before and heated to perfection for my morning meal. Today I brought my personal favorite flavor of mushroom and wild rice to work, which was correctly identified by smell by a coworker. Work was mostly me pissing and moaning most of the afternoon. I just wanted my vacation to start, but the day just dragged and dragged. Plus my boss was giving me a hard time about having some time off, because I just got back from Omaha. If anything my boss should be impressed by my loyalty and attendance record. This is me trying to use my vacation days before the year ends and I lose them. I only used four days when I went to Hawaii, because I was still on the three day work week schedule. Everything was so much better when I got home. I got to be me and do whatever I wanted to do. I lounged on the couch and was mesmerized by the sheer mass marketing of the Spice Girls. Invest while you can ladies. Here today and gone tomorrow. Tomorrow I need to do some shopping. The bulb in my halogen floor lamp finally burnt out so I need to replace that and I need some garbage bags. Plus I think that I will get some Christmas lights this year. When I moved in a year ago, I was just so happy to be on my own again that I didn't have time to mess with things like decorating for the holidays. A tree would be a little too much for me even though there is enough room for one. I'll probably do some heavy computer time and redesign the old hompage which I have abandoned for the most part. This is far more rewarding to me. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything tomorrow. I can just relax and forget about everything.