
Lately I've been sleeping later in the morning and I'm liking it. I used to get up a couple of hours before I had to be at work. It was nice to have that buffer zone between me and the morning commute. I wasn't rushed and had time to adjust to being awake. Now I only get up about an hour before I have to leave the house, but still have enough time to get to work.

I'd like to believe that if everyone else would do the same thing the morning commute would be much more pleasant. This of course will never happen. For most people its far easier to roll out of bed into the car and expect everyone else to get out of their way because they are late. It works so much better that way.

Work crawled today, except when I was trying to look busy for my boss when I have nothing to do. He was still on the same rampage from yesterday. The shit is still running down the hill. It had better stop by tomorrow, but who am I to say when he should stop barking.

When I am at work I can be very civil on the outside, but in my mind I am a zombie for the most part. I walk around the office and start to wonder how the other people can stand it. They can't really be that busy. Then again that's how business works. People are paid for their ideas, so they don't mind having to sit in a desk all day long looking busy. Its easy to waste most of the day and tell people that you are researching the problem. The reality is that most of the day is spent shuffling papers and staring at a computer screen.

I must sound bitter, but I'm not. They seem to have found what works for them and I am still looking I guess.

The hours between noon and three in the afternoon are the worst part of the day for me. I manage to waste one of those hours with my lunch, but the other two are mind numbing. I can barely function at that time of the day.

It has gotten to the point where I can do all of my work in the morning and sleep the afternoon away. I suppose if I wanted to be more aggressive I could ask Nick to show me some more stuff on the system, but most of the time I don't really care.

When I do try to learn something new from Nick it seems to take forever. He generally gets confused when he is trying to explain something. Plus I have noticed that it takes Nick far longer to do something on the system than it takes me to do it. When he did a change in the system, it took him almost half an hour. When I did the same change on another day it only took me ten minutes.

This job has reached a plateau once again and I don't see much point in climbing any higher. The only way that I would climb higher would be for money and I don't see that happening here. Besides money would be far more feasible somewhere else. So here I sit doing my job and slowly biding my time.

Like I said the afternoon is not a good time to try and motivate me. Nick made the mistake of handing off a project to me early this afternoon. It was too late. I had already grown so lethargic that I could barely do what he asked me to do. If he had handed it to me in the morning, he probably would have gotten better results. He didn't though, so I milked the job for the rest of the afternoon.

I can honestly say that I spent close to four hours doing something that should have taken about half an hour. I can blame part of my time on my being new to this part of the system, but for the most part I was zoning heavily. Plus it gave me some time to write today's entry, which without a doubt was far more meaningful than anything that I did at work today.

Everyone around me seems to be getting excited about the holidays, but I just take them in stride. Its hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve already. I never did get a tree, but it doesn't really matter that much to me. Maybe I'll start to get sentimental on Christmas morning when I watch my niece open her presents for the first time.

I promise that I will not talk about work tomorrow. I am starting to bore myself.



