Wasting Time

I stopped a little too soon on yesterday's entry. My point got lost with all of the anger and frustration. It was so hard to think and say what I wanted to say without sounding really crude. All that I was trying to say was that I started to let my job get to me again which was wrong. A job is simply a job and not my life. I have never seen a job as anything more than a way to get money and money is only so important to me.

In my infinite child like wisdom, I spent the first few hours of this morning writing journal entries instead of working. Oh, I gave the impression that I was doing something work related, but I did my fair amount of things that I wanted to do. Some people might call this pouting, but I could care less. Very seldom do I care what other people think about me.

Back to the topic of wasting time at work, I feel that I have a right to my time, because I stayed half an hour late last night discussing something that could have been discussed earlier in the day and not when I was ready to go home. Nice attitude. The word attitude is just primed with negative connotations and I could care less, because I think that the word is used too much anyway.

Its no revelation that my job disappoints me on a regular basis. No matter how hard I might try, it just doesn't seem that important to me. It lacks substance and won't mean a thing to me when I leave. Last night I started to remember how much I loathed my old job before I left. Now that I am here, I never think about that place anymore. My mind has an amazing ability to discard things that I consider unimportant. Why should I dwell on things that bother me, affect my health or aren't worth my time.

Something is wrong with a job that puts me to sleep on a daily basis. Its sad when the only thing that carries me through the day is my headphones. The Bends by Radiohead kept me sane this morning. Tony generally has to say my name over and over until I finally answer.

The only way that things are going to change is by me changing them. I would prefer not to leave just yet, but I will if things get any worse.

I guess if I wanted I could make myself more of a prick and tell the other departments to fuck off. What I do has far more impact on the system than anything they do for the company. They just talk on the phone and make arrangements with the customers. Of course, this is just my point of view. This is my world after all and I am the supreme being.

Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. - Simon and Garfunkel

I am convinced that one of the best ways to make money in America is to form a new religion, because its tax free and people love religion. Now I would not openly call it a religion. I would simply write a book with suggestions on how to improve your life. Then I would ride the lecture and talk circuit with my false sense of knowledge.

Lying really seems to move people ahead in life.

I think it would be fun to do an entire journal entry in the style of Dr. Seuss.

