California Dan Yesterday afternoon Dan called me. He was back from California and said that he would be heading back out at the end of the week. While he was there he managed to get both a job and a place to live. The Oshkosh man moves to Hollywood. I wish him the best. Dan has been complaining about Wisconsin for years and now he has finally escaped. His view of the situation is that he might as well be poor where it is warm. Well his wish has come true. Soon he will be riding down to the beach on his motorcycle. When he rides he wears a helmet he painted to look just like Luke Skywalker's from the Empire Strikes Back. He should blend in just fine. Since he is moving across the country, he is trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible before he leaves. He doesn't see much point in hauling everything with him, because he wants to make a clean start out there. This makes sense to me. What he offered to sell me was his fifty gallon saltwater fishtank, which I always commented on when I went to see him. I would like it, but I have no way of transporting it here from his house. As silly as it sounds, I have a long history with fishtanks. When I was little my grandparents on my dad's side of the family had at least a dozen ten gallon tanks in their basement. These were freshwater tanks filled with guppies, black mollies and swordtails. It was a solid wall of aquariums. All of them were humming, bubbling and casting ripples on the walls of the basement. Nothing seemed to bother me at work today and the commute both to and from work was just as smooth. I am starting to feel cold as I write this entry, which means that I am tired. Normally I generate quite a bit of heat, but when I'm very tired all of that just disappears. Everything just shuts down. Time for a nap.  