Five Months Ago Winter seems to be losing its grip here in Wisconsin. Rain falls from the sky now instead of snow. I was going to talk some more about the rain, but I noticed that some of the other journals had already covered this topic so I'll let it go. I guess weather really does bring people together. It must be the English major in me, but every spring I think of the T. S. Eliot poem, the Wasteland or maybe just the opening line. Now this is going to sound strange, but spring is my least favorite season of the year. For me its nothing but months of mud and gloom. Tuesdays are so hard for me. Most people dread Mondays, but Tuesdays are the worst for me. All of my energy from the weekend is gone and all that I can think about is going home. Today is definitely one of those days where staying in bed would have been the best thing for me. I talk big, but I always go to work. The last time that I called in was after a bachelor party. I could have made it into work that day as well, but I wouldn't have been very coherent. Since I was so tired this morning, I looked for something to do that was mind numbing and relaxing at the same time. What I decided to do was clean out my desk. After some digging, I realized that I had some documents that could be shredded, which was exactly what I was needed to get me through the morning. It was mindless yet productive on some level. For the next half hour or so, I knelt by the paper shredder and fed it sheet after sheet of paper from my desk feeling good about myself. Where else can I get paid to shred paper? I actually worked on my resume last night. Its easy to complain about a job and never do anything about it, but I am still working toward my goal of June. Ever so slowly I am getting ready to leave. Each day I think about what I want my next job to be like and what kind of money I need to boost my ego. I put in another request for some vacation in March and maybe I will have used all of it before I move on to somewhere else. It would be nice.  