After the Fact Last night when I was talking about work with Brenda, the topic of management came into the discussion. In general I care very little for management. Some of this attitude has come from my father, but most of it has come from personal experience. Mid level management is occupied by some of the most petty people that I have ever known. They feel that they have some level of authority when in fact they have next to none. Their jobs are the first to go whenever something goes wrong with a company. Their job is expendable and in their minds they recognize this fact. Their so called skills really are not essential to a company. Management can and will be changed. I like to take some comfort in knowing that the job where I used to work all of the management was let go first. One of my managers there lied time and time again. All that they are concerned about is themselves. Their salary reflects on them not me. Brenda pointed out that when I talk about management that I am talking about her. This is true to some degree. I also know that she knows that her job is a fragile one. Another mistake that I made yesterday was that I trusted someone in business. This is something that I will not do again. I know that I was falsely accused yesterday and I know that I will never receive an apology, but I know that I am a better person and that I can move on to somewhere else. Next week will be some serious resume writing. Yes, I know that you are not supposed to look for a job when you are upset, but I have to keep things moving forward for me. I am also aware that Brenda had much more of a direct route in her career path than I did. My job has nothing to do with my degree. However, my degree means far more to me than my job. I may not use the English language to its fullest here, but I can still see through any managerial bullshit that comes my way. Of course today was much better than yesterday at work. Most of the morning was spent on a project that I am one the main people behind. I guess it all comes down to being better at working by myself than others. This way no one can blame me for their mistakes. The contract work down the road really is my goal. Work hard for a few months and then leave. Then take a vacation somewhere for a month. Brenda is not fond of this idea, but it is my life. For some reason I bought a copy of the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine today at lunch. Kate Winslet was on the cover and there was an interview in the inside. The article confirmed what I already knew about myself. I really am out of touch with the masses. Titanic in my opinion was awful. Boring at best. I am sure that it will win award after award. Not that any of this has any real effect on my life one way or the other. Brenda might read the article, because she bought a coffee table style book on the making of the film Titanic. Or I could hang the cover of Kate lounging oh so seductively in my cube for all to see. Brenda had pointed out to me that Kate used to be heavy. The article says that she was five feet six and one hundred eighty five pounds. Another article in the Rolling Stone was about some sex guru. Very droll. It was so awful that I couldn't read it. All that I did was skim a few paragraphs. Rolling Stone is a very sad excuse for a magazine. Years ago when I did have a subscription, I noticed that Jerry Garcia made the cover at least once a year. Now even from the grave they still talk about the man. Tanzania has issued a stamp with his likeness on it. I can hardly wait to have a whole sheet for myself. Maybe I'll coat them with acid and hand them out to strangers. I am joking here people. Winter has returned here in Wisconsin and it doesn't bother me. Most of the snow has passed us by and all that remains is the cold, which I like. My performance yesterday at work must have made an impression, because most people kept clear of me this afternoon. I know that I was right and I am sure that they knew it as well. Here I sit with an hour and a half between me and the end of yet another day at work. Brenda truly likes her job while I see my job as merely wasting time some days. Do I care is the real question though. To paraphrase Randal from the film Clerks maybe I should shit or get off the pot. Tomorrow I should be much calmer than today, because I have Friday off. I really like to whine.  