Grocery Bill

The issue of groceries came up again today. Brenda is getting tired of spending so much on groceries every week. She said that she never spent that much on groceries before she started to see me. My response to her was that when I lived by myself, I only went twice a month and spent far less than she does on me.

All of this food business means to me is that she is trying to prove something by how much she spends on groceries. She is wasting her time, because food is not the way to my heart. I'm sorry, but I am a little more complex than a stereotype. The truth is that she feels better when she is doing something for me, because it gives her the opportunity to say look at all that I do for you and you don't appreciate it. My response is that I am not looking for a traditional meal every night and that eating leftovers is not a crime.

Brenda does not eat leftovers, but she has more Tupperware than a person could possibly need. Sometimes the contradictions are just too much for me.

The most frightening part of this meal problem is that I have seen it before. Tracy would do the same thing when we started seeing one another. She would make these elaborate meals when I would come by her place and subsist on cigarettes, fast food and beer when I was gone. I am sure that all of her money went into groceries trying to impress me.

What happened to just being yourself? It has also come to light that Brenda does not make that much more money than I do. I also know that I achieved the same salary as she did in the span of two years when it took her five.

Brenda freely admits that she is the type of person who might eat once a day. She says that she just doesn't get hungry or doesn't have time. I think that this is only partially true. Her secret is her cigarettes. Smoking curbs a person's appetite and more than one woman has told me that the only reason that they smoke is to keep their weight down.

We went for our first serious bike ride this afternoon. The weather was good and we had plenty of time. Of course the ride out was easier than the ride back home, because we had the wind against us on the return trip. We had also neglected to bring water with us and this made her even less pleasant than just having the wind going against us. Even though I was thirsty too, the lack of water bothered her far more than it did me. If she wanted to fill her water bottle before we had left the house, I would have waited. She had no one to blame but herself.

Despite her complaining, she did have a good time.

