Feel the Heat As simple as it may sound, I have to say that today was a good day at work. I was busy and for the most part worry free. Nothing really seemed to bother me. I also think that I was due for a good day so I am not complaining. I thought that I might try to get a quick bike ride in after work this evening. I had just got done showering from after getting my haircut and thought that I should get all sweaty one more time. Yes, I know that it doesn't make sense, but that is who I am. Besides I still had hair particles stuck to my face and neck and why combine them with sweat when I could avoid it. The heat quickly changed my mind about how far I was going to go tonight. At first I kept thinking that something was wrong with the bike. The amount of pressure I was feeling in my legs was unreal. I had done this trail before and I knew that it wasn't that hard. I could feel myself pressing against the heat as I moved along and I just couldn't understand what was happening to me. Both the heat and the wind gave me more of a workout than I was expecting, but every ride can't be easy. Twice I had to stop to drink some water. Usually I can make it through a ride without drinking until the end of the ride, but not today. The best part is that I still enjoyed the ride despite the heat, because its one of the few ways where I can still push myself. The summer fiction issue of The New Yorker came out and it said something similiar to what I was saying about summer yesterday. Summer fails to live up to our expectations. It becomes something of a myth. The article even compared it to the amount of planning that goes into Christmas. Summer and the American dream become one. Its a time for camping, swimming and just being lazy in a hammock. The reality is a little different. No one has time for summer unless you have worked for twenty years at the same company and have over a month's worth of vacation. Summer is for the rich people and the young, because everyone else is busy working despite the heat. Now that I listen to myself I am starting to sound like my father.  