Day one I don't make any sense. All that I did before was complain about Brenda, but now I keep wondering what she is doing. Maybe this will pass. Maybe I just was with her for the security. Maybe it was just that I was lonely. Call me pathetic, but I left a message on her machine. I said that I was prepared to move into a new place with her, but that my vision of what it would be like was different than her vision. We had our problems before, but we worked through it. Then I said that none of this matters now, because once shes makes her mind up about something, she does not change it. My life will go on without her, but I thought that we had a chance. I guess that I was wrong. Still I fine it hard to put eight months of my life behind me in one day. One woman said that Brenda might change her mind, but I doubt it. Brenda called me that last time that I left, but she probably won't do it this time. She is too proud. The new job seems fine.   audio input at the moment: The Best Of - New Order