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Simple Saturday

With all of the recent changes in my life, I failed to realize that this was the start of Labor Day weekend. As a result I had no idea what I wanted to do for the next three days. If I was still with Brenda, then I am sure that it would have been all planned out for me. Then again she might be working, because retail lives for the holidays.

I contemplated going to my grandma's house today. Going there would involve a five hour drive, but I wouldn't mind. Driving is fun for me. Besides it been a while since I drove anywhere. Earlier this year Brenda and I went to visit her sister who lives three hours away, but this would be different. Now my destination would be somewhere that I wanted to go.

Long distance driving with Brenda really wasn't that bad. She had forewarned me that she couldn't sit still for long periods of time, but she did okay with me. She had some kind of nerve in her lower region that would bother her, if she sat too long. As long as she had a blanket and a bottle of water in the car with her, she was fine.

Most of the holiday traffic would be done by now. My only concerns would be deer crossing the road at night and the price of gasoline. Once I got there, it would be my grandma, my uncle, my parents, my niece and myself.

If I would go I would have to bring along my telescope. Down on the pier, I would have a clear view of the night sky free of any lights and trees. Its been years since I have had my telescope there and I know that it would be worth it. The moon would hide some of the dimmer stars, but it would be better than anything from the city.

I woke up at about my usual time this morning, but lingered for two hours before I got up. After realizing that I didn't want to spend the day in the house, I gathered my laundry together and drove to my parents house.

My parents are making the move from America Online to a local ISP. The change from one to the other was almost complete, but my mom had reached a point where it wouldn't work. I was to look at it and see what I could do to fix it. It only took me a few mintues to figure out what was wrong. When they get back home, she shouldn't have any problems surfing the web.

While my laundry was going, I decided to relax in the backyard. My towel that I use to lie out on was waiting for me. It had been left behind from the last time that I was there. Since we were not to go to my parents house for swimming anymore, Brenda had bought me another pair of swim trunks and a towel. Both of these items are still at her aunt's house after being used only once by me. I guess that they are just more debris left by me.

I give my parents a lot of credit on their yard. Over the course of the past fourteen years, they have slowly transformed a farmers field into something more pleasant. Shade still isn't that abundant, but the trees can't be run over by a riding lawnmower anymore either.

While I was there, I spoke a little with Heather and read a letter from Hope. To be blunt, this is probably the most contact that I have had with my family in weeks.

I decided against going away for the weekend. I need to save some money and it might be better to go on a non-holiday weekend. Besides I have a wedding that I am invited to next weekend. My downstairs neighbors are getting married and the bride has told me that there will be single women. Sigh. They have no idea that I met Tracy at a wedding. I really don't need to start seeing a woman who might live an hour away. Maybe I'll go just to get out of town. So much for saving money.


audio input at the moment: Strangeways Here We Come - The Smiths
written input at the moment: Cold Starry Night - Claire Fejes
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