september banner


Learning again

Last night I read an article about Stephen King and I have a confession to make here. I have never read a Stephen King novel. Maybe its the English major in me, but I have a tendency to avoid anything on the bestseller list. King and his work falls into that category. I have read various interviews with him and a few short stories, but never a novel written by him.

I watched the Ken Burns documentary on Lewis and Clark again last night. Sometimes history can be very emotional. What those men did was the equivalent of going to the moon for that time. Maybe I should get the book that goes with the program.

Work made me feel good about myself today. I took a more active role in the daily routine and learned something that interests me at the same time. Its been so long since I have learned something new on the job and I hope that it continues for a long time.

With all of my recently acquired free time I am doing things that I normally do not do. For instance, I set up my telescope for the first time in years tonight. At the moment its in my bedroom, but I guess that I could move it out to my porch except that the nearby tree obscures most of the view. I am talking about the moon here, not the windows of my neighbors.

True to form, I rambled all day yesterday and today I have nothing to say.


audio input at the moment: Baja Sessions - Chris Isaak
visual input at the moment: Red - Krzysztof Kieslowski
written input at the moment: The New Yorker
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