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One year ago today

Gus said this about me nearly a year ago: this guy has an amazing ability to string together choppy little sentences full of simple, bland observations seemingly calculated specifically not to enlighten. There is something vaguely surreal going on here, I'm only now realizing.

I should have known that I would survive a year after an endorsement of that caliber.

This morning was the first morning since I have been back at my place where I didn't wake up before the alarm went off. For the past two weeks, I have been getting about an average of four to five hours of staggered sleep a night. I would wake up, look at the alarm and realize that I had hours left to sleep. Maybe all of that will start to change now. I hope so, because the lack of sleep is starting to have an effect on me.

Months ago all that I could talk about was my job and now that I have a new one I barely mention it. First of all, I know that I made the right decision by leaving my old job. The frustration had become too much for me and it was slowly killing me.

Nick confirmed my suspicions when I spoke with him Tuesday night about my old company. Nothing has changed and poor Nick has been saddled with the repetitious work that I used to do for the department. That company needs some serious restructuring, because it was very seldom that management knew what to do. These people may have formed a company, but that does not mean that they know how to run one effectively.

At my new job I am still the new guy and will continue to be that person in the coming months. None of this bothers me though. It feels good to be able to start over again and learn new things. Brenda would say that I made a wise career decision and I have to agree wth her.

I fired up my virgin grill for the first time tonight and I was pretty happy with my results. The only downside of my grilling is that I smell like I was grilled tonight.


audio input at the moment: Abbey Road - The Beatles
written input at the moment: Jacob's Room - Virginia Woolf
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