More geek boy Lately I have been less talkative here and I can't really say why either. Yes, I have been sleeping late and that does cut into my entry time, but I would hope that I could at least get something worthwhile out. To be more precise about my available time, I have shifted my sleeping schedule to a later slot. I now stay awake until about one in the afternoon and rise at about seven thirty in the evening. Factoring out showering and eating that still leaves me time to jot down a few lines about my day. What has kept me awake the past two mornings was the geek boy in me that I let takeover. I have read page after page of plot summary and character sketches for the prequel. Some of my fears have been realized though. In an effort to keep the children in the audience happy, they have too many comic elements that I am dreading. They do this because they don't want to lose that cash cow of a toy market. Something tells me that I will loathe Jar Jar even more than I do the Ewoks. At least I have the strong cast of Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Samuel L. Jackson and Natalie Portman to keep me happy. Before I went into work, I watched Cupid, which I genuinely enjoy. Maybe its meant for all of the lonely people home on a Saturday night, but I don't mind because Jeremy Piven actually makes me laugh and my crush on Paula Marshall is getting ever stronger. The year is slowly winding to a close as the holidays continue to build to their anti-climax, but all of it has yet to affect me.  