back in milwaukee I seem to have arrived back in Milwaukee just in time for a heat wave. It was over forty degrees this afternoon. All of the heavier icicles fell off of the roof today and the driveway melted clean of any snow and ice. Summer will be here any day now. Well, maybe not for a few months yet, but it was still nice to have the warm weather. It made the adjustment from the California weather easier for me. My first task of the day was to get my mail from the post office. I had asked them to hold it while I was gone. The pile that I was handed was about what I had expected. While I was there I got some of the one cent stamps to fix the thirty two cent ones I had leftover before the price increase went into effect. Being back home is a little strange. Yes, it is nice to have my own things around me again, but it was also nice to get away. It was something that I needed. The journey made me feel alive again. I was experiencing life. I had broken free of the routine of work and sleep. Now the question is when we will I do it again. Part of me would like to go away somewhere next month. Maybe that might be too soon, but I think that I could handle a new journey each month.  