Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


the return trip

When I woke this morning I knew that I would have to return the car and would spend most of the day in the house once again. Somehow I had managed to drive eight hundred fifty miles in the short amount of time that I had the car. It had served me well and I would miss it.

The time went by quickly as I read through the Calvin and Hobbes collections that Dan owned with the Stone Roses playing in the background. Soon Dan came home and we were on our way to the airport.

The most eventful thing that happend at the airport was that I kept setting off the metal detector over and over again. Eventually they let me through and then I said goodbye to Dan as I boarded the plane.

It was good to see Dan. The two of us have been friends for over a decade and we can compare our lives to one another. Sometimes we have differing points of view, but we both agree that it is harder to mark time after college. The major events seem less frequent now. The landmarks of life seem less distinct. Then again neither of us seem to be playing by the rules. For example neither of us is married nor do we see that happening any time soon. Of the two of us I seem to be the more traditional, but now I am starting to wonder if Dan made a better choice than me.

audio input at the moment: The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
written input at the moment: It's a Magical World - Bill Watterson
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