Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


jumping ship

I know that where I am now is where I first jumped after my last job, but I don't think that I was too hasty in my choice. Despite the stagnation now, it did give me some more experience in a new environment and I upped my salary requirement at the same time. So in some ways it was time well spent.

However, now that I am here I have come to remember one element about third shift that I had forgotten. When the company has you trained well enough you suddenly become an inhabitant of the far side of the moon. The far side of the moon is an excellent place for meditation, but it doesn't do much for career advancement.

Third shift here is also unlike the last place where I worked. There I was the only person in the building for twelve hours and everything was my responsibility. I truly was the captain of the ship. My actions were my own without the watchful eye of a supervisor. To be fair the supervisor doesn't loiter that much around me, because technically I am not in his department. I am the sole representative of another department at night that works with his crew. Still I miss the freedom that I once had working by myself. I may have made less money, but I had more control over the system.

I have also come to find out that the movement within the company isn't as smooth as I was once told. When I was hired, I had been told that I would need to make a one year commitment to the department before I transferred somewhere else. At the time that sounded reasonable, but suddenly a year has become a very long time for me. I am amazed that the past five months went as quickly as they did. Of course I had the novelty factor in there as well as the holidays to ease the time. Part of me fears that the next five will be an eternity for me.

The past three years have been much better for me than the three years immediately after college. Those were not happy years for me. Outbursts of anger from me were quite common. I had expected so much more after college than what I was doing. Three years of my life were wasted at an insurance company while I went to school at night to get something better. At least the insurance company paid for the schooling.

It was also during this time that the seeds of contempt toward business were planted. To this day I have a low tolerance for office politics and the side step habits of management.

audio input at the moment: Car Wheels on a Gravel Road - Lucinda Williams
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