Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


a droning undercurrent

Maybe it is time for me to break free from the monotony. Someone pointed out to me that I could do so much better with my life and I know that they are right. The past five months have really been me wallowing and regrouping. I can and have wandered around inside my head for months hammering a point beyond recognition.

So what does this grand declaration mean? Am I moving to California? Well part of me believes that I could probably bullshit my way into that job that was offered to me. Wait. Let me rephrase that last thought. I am sure that I could apply myself in a professional manner showcasing the variety of technical skills that I can offer a future employer.

Yessireebob. I am the man for the job. You can call me Johnny on the spot. Sigh. Sarcasm is way too easy.

What I will say is that I have to challenge myself again. It is time to begin anew.

audio input at the moment: Car Wheels on a Gravel Road - Lucinda Williams
visual input at the moment: Richard III - Ian McKellen
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