a section of an Andrew Wyeth painting


must travel soon

I usually feel pretty upbeat after my first day back at work. Something about being productive for a day makes relaxing at home seem like less of a crime. So armed with this feeling of ease and cloudy cool weather outside, I slept through the afternoon without a care.

Lately I have been thinking about travelling again. At the beginning of the year, I had declared this a year of travel for me, but now I don't know where I want to go anymore. A few months ago I had thought about going to the East Coast, but now I am thinking that maybe Canada would be a better choice. It's been over a decade since the last time that I was there and I think that I want something more scenic than urban. The possibility of renting a car for a week and camping in Ontario is starting to sound very appealing to me.

One downside to camping is that I would have to borrow most of the camping supplies from my parents, because all that I own is a tent. I don't even own a sleeping bag. Once I got what I needed from them, I would have to bring my mountain bike along with me. I might as well pack as much physical actvity in as I can.

What I remember the most about being in Canada was the sky at night with stars reaching depths not seen in a city. Without the glare of light pollution, a satellite could easily be seen crossing the sky. A display of the aurora borealis would make for a perfect trip.

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