Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


live for today

Once again the quality of the entries seems to be slipping lately and I'm not happy about it at all. It isn't as though my life has suddenly become so packed with activity that I can't string together a few words to describe what is happening to me. So many details are being forgotten in my haste to upload at least something for the day and I want that trend to stop. Any real insight has been missing from the journal and that has to change as well. Maybe I am just getting lazy.

I think that I might have had a brief bout of food poisoning yesterday and I lay the blame on something that I ate from Burger King. Within a few hours after eating the sandwich, I felt ill and had chills. For me a good sign that something is wrong with me is when I start to feel cold. It was so bad that for most of the night at work I wore my jacket. Since I work in a computer environment every room is heavily air-conditioned and usually this doesn't bother me, but last night I felt every rush of air in the room.

Now that summer seems to have arrived, I'm not quite sure what to do. Most of what I did last summer was more of what my girlfriend at the time wanted to do. Now I am free to do whatever I choose. The only problem is that I very seldom plan that far in advance. I have no idea what I want to do after my trip to Nova Scotia.

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