Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


highbrow lowbrow

One day I write something along the lines of a small manifesto and the next I can barely string together a paragraph. One would hope that I could try to maintain some kind of consistency here, but maybe that is beyond me. Actually in some ways it does reflect the moody quality of my personality so I doubt that this habit will change any time soon.

After reading some highly negative reviews of the Haunting, I went to see American Pie tonight instead and I think that I made the right choice. It was funny and cute at the same time. It wasn't nearly as outlandish as There's Something About Mary, which made it that much better for me.

So I go from watching a movie with a secret sex society in it one week to a movie with four teenage boys trying to have sex for the first time. One tried to be abstract and the other one couldn't have been more forward.

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