Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


high school memories

The ability to write anything of substance has really taken a beating from my lack of sleep the past two days. I just haven't had it in me and I hope that I can change that pattern today.

Last night I just wanted to relax before I went to work and maybe see a movie that wouldn't require too much thought. A film about horny teenagers seemed to meet that requirement. It was funny and made me start to think about what I was like in high school. The only downside of the evening was the moron in the audience who talked back to the screen so that everyone else could hear him.

With a decade between now and then, none of what happened in high school seems that traumatic to me. Maybe if I could talk to my younger self, he would disagree, but I think that I came away from that time in my life unscathed. I guess that what I am trying to say is that high school is full of embarassing incidents, but I think that most of us survive them.

Unlike the way that movies portray it, I don't remember high school being that divided into cliques. Oh, there were certains groups, but I think that the people in them were more than just stereotypes. I also think that there was more blending of the groups.

When I was in high school, the group that I hung around with included football players, theater arts types and metalheads. I doubt that anyone could classify them as being just a jock or whatever else. For me each of them was unique. The only odd part was that three of my friends were named Dave, which got to be a little annoying once in a while. I would shout one name and three people would answer at the same time.

I know that we didn't make any kind of pact about losing our virginity, but we were just as crude as the boys in American Pie. Masturbation and sex jokes were frequently heard and whenever someone made a mistake we were there to point it out. One guy in the group had made the mistake of introducing himself as Hed one time and they never let him live it down. His name was Ed, but he made one of those verbal slips and it haunted him for most of his high school career.

As geeky as it may sound, I am starting to like going to the movies on a Friday night. It gets me out of the house and I get to do some serious people watching at the mall.

Over the years my movie going habit has evolved. In high school it was more of a group event with a pack of us going to see the latest horror film with some recreational drug use to enhance the effect. Then when I was in college, I knew the manager of the local theater and often saw movies for free at midnight. After college I started to go to matinees with my girlfriend. Now I just go by myself.

One more week and I'll be on vacation again and I hope that the heat wave continues. I wouldn't have any problem with just floating on a lake for hours.

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