mostly wasting time I'm surprised that I could even construct a paragraph for yesterday. For most of the day my mind was a blank. I was devoid of any real thought and as a result did close to nothing. Well, that isn't exactly true. I did do a few things, but they certainly worth mentioning. Cleaning a month's worth of debris off of my kitchen table and then repairing the legs on my director's chair don't qualify as insightful or gripping reading. There was a time that I could find something of interest from the mundane, but it wasn't worth my time yesterday. I was content to listen to the droning in my head and didn't feel the need to share that experience. About the only thing worth mentioning was the walk that I took around my neighborhood last night. I wanted to see how many other people the near full moon might lure outside, but most of what I saw seemed normal enough. It isn't as though I am depressed. I just seem to be a little lost at the moment. More often than not I see my life as being pretty good and I like to think that I am making some kind of progress, but at the same time, I'm not sure what I want to do next. I need to get some projects going or do something that will make me think. On a more positive note, I did manage to avoid my usual Tuesday slump. Instead of just milling around, I rearranged the furniture in my house once again. I didn't do this completely out of boredom, there was another reason. My parents had bought a new mattress and didn't like it and offered it to me thinking that I might want to upgrade from a futon. So in an effort to make room for an actual bed, I moved the entertainment center out of the bedroom and back into the livingroom where it belongs. Ever so slowly my place is starting to look less and less like a college house. Now the next piece of furniture that I need to replace would be the couch.