Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


must start something

Last night I went through various stages of sleep deprivation. At first I was crabby and rude. Then I was overly silly and sarcastic. By four in the morning my frame of mind had leveled out and I was finally able to do something productive at work. I have no idea what my coworkers thought of my mood swings. No, now that I think some more about it, I did explain my lack of sleep to a few people.

Now that I have a real bed I didn't even sleep on it today. After work I had grilled some burgers and by the time that I was done I smelt as though I had been in the grill. Going to sleep on my new bed smelling of smoke didn't seem like that good of an idea to me, so I fell asleep on the couch.

After I woke and was able to think clearly, it occurred to me that I am getting restless once more. I want to and probably more importantly need to shake my life up somehow, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I might be able to squeeze in one final trip this year, but I have to find something else to keep my mind active. I need something or possibly someone to challenge me.

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