surrounding myself I'm finding it hard to believe myself, but work has been great the past two nights. At the end of both of them, I was heavily involved in solving problems. Usually when the day shift rolls in for the the day, I pull back and let them takeover. They seem to thrive better than I do once the phones start ringing. However, the past two mornings I have been right on the phones with them and even able to answer some of the questions. Before it used to be that when I picked up a call, I'd get a problem that was beyond my knowledge and have to look to someone else for help. Now I don't mind learning as I go, but it is nice to be able to have an answer for the customer without sounding like too much of an idiot. Then before I left my boss told me that I was getting a raise which was a nice way to end the day. We still have to complete a formal review, but the increase in pay will be in effect on my next paycheck. The only small drawback is that my 401K plan also takes effect with the next paycheck and I didn't factor in this new raise. Now I might need to do some recalculating, so that the next check isn't a total surprise to me. After work the productive energy continued as I hung my newly framed prints that I picked up earlier in the week. It took a little while to decide just exactly where I wanted them, but I think that I did a good job. The larger Hopper print is visible as soon as you enter my half of the house, then when you turn the corner into my livingroom the Vermeer is directly to your right. There was some trial and error with the Hopper print, but between both prints I kept the nail holes to a total of three. I didn't ask my landlord if it was okay to hang them, but I think that they can live with three nail holes after I have lived here for three years. It isn't as though I am destroying the place. Besides for all that I know they might remodel the place after I leave. I was abruptly woken not once but twice this afternoon. The first time happened at around one in the afternoon, when I heard a knock on my door. Since I live upstairs the only way that someone can get to my door is if they have a key to the outside door to the house, so I thought that I was dreaming. Then I heard it again and made my way to the door. It was my landlord telling me that he had fixed my hot water heater. So half asleep I thanked him and went back to bed. The second time I was woken up was at five in the afternoon by someone ringing my doorbell. The delivery guy had my alabaster statue that I had won in an online auction. For some reason it seemed smaller than I had imagined, but I still like it. Now that I have it in front of me, I can tell that the photo I saw was taken from the best possible angle. I also know that the photo made it seem larger than it is in life. None of this really matters and I still think that I made a good purchase. I like the way my personal art collection is starting to grow, but there is a fine line between having nice things around the house and just having clutter. There there is a small part of me that wishes that I had more of my stuff on display, but maybe these new pieces will get me motivated to something of my own once again. I always say that I will paint again, but I never seem to do it. Maybe seeing art that I love everyday will have a positive effect on me.