Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


taco bell dog

Thanksgiving this year was just my immediate family with the addition of my youngest sister's boyfriend and it was nice having it that way. With that small of a group of people, it is easier to relax and just talk. Of course the conversation does still take a strange turn now and then.

Somewhere along the line the toy dogs that Taco Bell is selling at the moment came up and my mom mentioned that she wanted the one with the heart on it. Actually she said that she wanted the one with the heart on, which sounds strikingly similar to the phrase hard on. So after a few moments of awkward silence, I interjected that that must be the one that has problems standing up.

After some giggles from the rest of the kitchen crowd, I tried again by saying that must be the one that they keep behind the counter. Then after the giggles stopped, I followed up by saying that was the one that they used for the special sauce. It was then that my mom just told me to let it drop.

While it lasted, it was a great tension breaker and we all got a good laugh from it. Of course we also have a habit of mentioning gas at every family gathering so somewhat crude topics aren't that unusual.

I do have to give my sister's boyfriend some credit. I find it odd meeting a new girlfriend's family for the first time. I often forget that there is a whole crowd of people behind this one person that I am seeing and sometimes I wish that there wasn't.

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