sleep or party I managed to avoid two holiday functions today. One of them I wouldn't have minded so much, but the other one held no interest for me at all. The first of the two events was a small gathering of my mom's side of the family for food and drinks. Now I have nothing against my relatives, but they were meeting in the middle of the day, which is when I sleep. So after a few minutes of thought, I decided that they would have to do without me this year, because I had to sleep. In my defense my circumstances aren't that unusual considering that both my dad and brother also had to work today. I should also mention that my mom, my sisters, niece and grandma went in our behalf. The other option was the company Christmas party which I had no intention of attending even if I hadn't used the family obligation as an excuse. I know that I have mentioned time and time again that I like to keep my professional and social life distinct from each other and this certainly falls under that heading. Besides it doesn't make sense to start drinking before I have to go to work. Personally I think that I came out ahead, because the company gave the people who worked today a twenty-five dollar gift certificate for the local mall. So rather than spending money on something that I probably wouldn't have liked, I got something for free. In my mind I got the better deal despite what anyone might say to me about the party. Now that I think about it some more, I have never been to a company Christmas party no matter where I worked and I doubt that that habit will change any time soon.