more insulation Shortly after I got home from work, my landlord with his son-in-law and future son-in-law started putting new insulation into the attic. Ever so slowly the bale of insulation that had been sitting in the backyard was throw upwards to my porch. Once inside my house it was threaded one roll at a time up the ladder and through the hole in the ceiling. While they worked, I watch Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant on television. Even with the volume turned up high, I could still hear them crawling or shifting around in the attic above my head. To say the least it was a very odd sensation to hear the sound of something so large coming from the ceiling. Instead of watching television, what I really wanted to do was sleep since I got so little of it on Saturday, but that didn't happen until they were finished and left at noon. I started reading So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell.