Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


splash pattern

Sigh. I keep falling asleep before I upload an entry and I hope to break that habit soon. What bothers me even more is trying to jumpstart my brain when I wake up and finish what I started hours earlier.


Last night at work it was another manager free night and I spent as much time as possible reading Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland. I would have liked to finish it, but I felt obligated to do some work while I was there.


Part of my morning was spent tending to my car. There were so many things that I have neglected to do for weeks and I was determined to fix that today. The first thing that I did wash my car and then the second thing that I did was take it to get the emissions tested. The car passed emissions without a problem, but the car wash failed to get the tar splashes off the side of my car, but I am getting ahead of myself.

At the beginning of the month, they repaved the parking lot at work. Since I work at night I couldn't quite tell what was dry and what wasn't. Nor had the crew made any attempt to block anything off either, so my best guess is that I must have drove through a wet area without knowing. What this left me with was a black splash pattern on my door behind the front driver's side wheel and I had no idea how to get it off short of me scrubbing as hard as possible without taking the paint off.

Squatting with a brush in hand and scrubbing tar off of my car door for half an hour is not what I want to do before I go to sleep. It does not make me a happy camper. Naturally from that point on my day went downhill. Then what small amount of sleep that I got left me edgy and confused until I left for work.

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