Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


quondong pie

When I got home from work this morning I was determined to get to bed as soon as possible, because I got so sleep little the day before. My plan worked fine except that I only slept for roughly four hours and my body thought that that was enough. What this meant is that by two in the afternoon I was wired and ready to do anything, but I didn't have any plans made. The best that I could do was eat some food, spend some time online and then try to go back to sleep at around five.

My second round of sleep left me with some very odd dreams and large amounts of disorientation. I had no idea what day it was when I woke up and briefly thought that I might have slept through the night into the next day. This has happened to me in the past, but I still don't get used to that feeling.


I caught some fragments of a television program called Australia: Beyond the Fatal Shore. There is something to be said about a country that has a parliament building with a grass roof on it. Strangely enough an American was the one who designed it.


I've finally gotten around to reading The Picture of Dorian Gray and I can't think of anyone quite like Oscar Wilde that is alive today. Somehow his stuff had fallen into that odd category of famous books that I know, but have never read. My class has moved him and his work out of that category.

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