one less problem

The whole experience at the car dealership left me feeling completely drained and slightly confused. Did I argue enough with them? Should I have left and come back another day? Why is buying a car such an aggravating process? None of that matters now and second thoughts never solve anything.

Driving home in the car yesterday felt odd. The car is so much sportier than the one that I used to own so naturally I sit even lower than I did before. Plus the smell and the touch of car was something different to me. Then I kept asking myself does this really belong to me?


Since Sunday was devoted to visiting my parents and most of Monday was spent at the dealership, today was a day just to relax. It was great. Hours spent lounging on my deck reading some magazines and just enjoying the summer. Not a bad way to pass the time on a Tuesday.


Before I left on Sunday Ann and I had one slightly odd final moment together. Recently she has decided to start smoking again which is fine. It is her choice and really has very little affect on me. Then as we walked out the door, she said that she was going to corrupt me. Oh, really was all that I could reply.

She was convinced that she could get me to smoke with her. She said that if I used to smoke pot than I shouldn't have any problems with a cigarette.

Well, first of all, I personally feel that she is comparing apples and oranges. Tobacco and marijuana have very little in common in my mind. The U.S. government seems to agree with me with one being legal and for the most part socially acceptable with the other being illegal and seen as a precursor to worse habits.

My sister, a former cigarette smoker, has said in the past that pot makes people insular if not trapped within their own world, where as cigarette smoking brings people together. I don't buy that argument. It sounds too much like a stereotype of losers who stare at walls for hours and don't do anything. People can smoke pot and talk at the same time.

I don't know how many times I have had variations on this discussion where a pack a day smoker will not go near a joint or a pot pipe. I don't see the logic in having no fear of sucking on cancer sticks and yet being deathly afraid of pot.

I suppose that there are other forces at work here, but it still strikes me as being funny. I also find it funny that if two past girlfriends of mine who were smokers couldn't convince me to join them for a smoke after sex, then what hope did Ann think that she might have in persuading me.

I don't remember sex being offered anywhere in the exchange.

Um, that really sounded crude didn't it.

Ann and I were just in our usual playful mood where nothing is quite serious, but the sexual tension is there.


I'm not really advocating tobacco or marijuana. I just don't think that one is really that much worse than the other. All that I will say is that some cancer patients smoke pot to alleviate pain, while I can't ever remember hearing of a person getting cancer from smoking pot.

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