clad in green I think that I might have gotten my buddy Nicole in trouble. No, not that kind of trouble. I think that I got her in trouble at work. The end of the month is always a stressful time for her department so I try to steer clear of that area at said time. I even tried to limit the time that I hung out with her talking. Then her boss appeared while we were together and I was going to slip away, but she said no. She wanted me to stay and I did. Her boss was there to chase away some people who should have gone home for the day, but hadn't. They too were talking with some people from her department. Eventually they left. Nicole has never gotten along with her boss and routinely defies him, which I can understand. She is not a child and she can do her job and talk to me at the same time. Her boss however did not see it that way and continued to annoy her until I left.