four new countries A return to work after a three day vacation is not something that I would recommend to anyone. Obviously any bit of motivation and or desire to be there is completely absent. Then of course to add to my less than pleasant state of mind, my night had to be a busy one towards the end. Sigh. Like most people I seem to have a job where if I do a good job no one ever says anything, but if I do something wrong, then I never hear the end of it. Positive reinforcement all the way my friend. ... The foundation for my triumphant return to Europe next year is being laid down. At the moment it looks as though Denmark, Sweden, Latvia and Poland will soon be added to my list of countries that I have seen. My hope is that this will be a good contrast to where I was in Europe last year. I'm not saying that I wouldn't go back to Italy or Britain, but I don't want to repeat myself either. I think I know what to expect in Denmark and Sweden, but Poland and Latvia are completely unknown to me. The only other former Eastern block country that I've seen was the Czech Republic, which was nice yet still different from the Western half of Europe. ... There are certain things that I believe about the world and one of them is that people create their own prisons. Naturally they don't realize what they are doing, but I think that most people end up in a situation and find that it is better to complain about it than change it. Sometimes I am guilty of that trait, but I try so hard not to be If I could quit my job tomorrow, I would without looking back. I know that there is no such thing as employer employee loyalty. It is a myth that some people still think is tied into the American Dream, which is also a myth unto itself. The past three years of my life at work have been a blur of sorts. What I remember more are the trips that I took, the past three semesters of school and my last girlfriend. Memories of work are not worth my time. It seems sad that so much of my life is wasted being somewhere that I do not want to be just so that I can have an income. Of course the depressed job market and the wonderful recession have done very little to help my cause. Then again I guess that I should be grateful that I have a job. Obviously some people find that they have to stay where they are due to obligations to family or something just as binding. That scenario isn't true for me, but I know quite a few people where that is the case. For example, I truly love my friend Nicole, but I know that the only reason that she keeps coming to work is for her little boy. She cannot stand working where we do and voices her resentment and or disgust frequently. Actually her plan is to stay for five years when her money will be fully invested by the company and then quit so that she can cash it in to pay off her bills. After that point I think that she just wants to start over in life. That may or may not be the best way to go, but it is a plan of sorts. I wonder if I will still talk with Nicole once she leaves. She still has about two years left to go in her "prison term" so maybe something will happen before then. Without a doubt my friend Ann has an even more troubling situation in life yet her escape always seems to be in the form of love. Now on the surface this sounds nice, but in the end it always fails her. She seems to be letting her emotions drive her from one disaster to another.