no nicole time

I thought that I'd be able to get through the rest of the week without mentioning work again, but something has happened today that needs to be talked about here for just a moment or two.

Work came through and reimbursed me for my spring tuition and it came just when I needed it. I received my bill for school a few weeks ago and only made a partial payment. Now I can use this new windfall of money to pay for the rest of the fall semester. Hopefully this pattern will continue and the money that I spent for the summer session will be given back to me on my next paycheck. If that happens then all of the fall semester will have been paid with no cost to me and I'll have some money to put towards the spring semester, which is the way that I want it to work.

As happy as I was to see that happen at work, there was something else that happened at work that I see as another positive. As part of my review, my boss said that he didn't want me to leave. Yes, I finally got a small amount of recognition and it meant something to me.

I don't know how many times I have talked about the lack of concern between employer and employees, but it isn't something that is seen very often. Now I'm not saying that my thoughts about the company have changed completely, but they should give me more credit than they do. I've worked third shift on Friday and Saturday nights for four years now and they never seem to realize that for most people that would be a prison sentence. I, however, do it with very little complaint and have not called in sick once during that time.

My boss knows that I am bored if not indifferent to the company and they should suck up to me rather than the other way around. Maybe I am asking too much from the business world, but I am so tired of being disappointed and or ignored.

Not only do I have some more tuition reimbursement coming my way, but I should have an increase in salary as well on this next paycheck. Yes, despite the fact that my boss and I have been arguing for most of the summer, I still managed to do my job and it should be reflected in my salary.


Continuing the first impression thoughts from yesterday, other things that come to my mind when someone mentions Spain would be bullfights and flamenco dancing. Obviously those are cliches, but one has to start somewhere. Now ever so slowly I am expanding my knowledge of Barcelona and its history. In my reading I’ve come to learn more about the Catalan culture and how it lost its power to the union of Ferdinand and Isabella. I've also read about Antoni Gaudi and his Sagrada Familia.

This will be my first solo vacation since 1999 when I went to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a week. I think that it will be a nice change of pace from my last three vacations. Plus this will be the furthest west and south I have been in Europe.


After work this morning I went and picked up my glasses. Someone from the store had called my place yesterday, but didn't leave a message. So I took a chance and thought that maybe they had found a pair of frames to replace the ones that I had crushed by sitting on them.

Well, I was correct in my thinking, but had to wait while they did some final adjustments to them. After they were done, things were back to normal. It felt good to wear the new pair after having worn my old pair for a couple of nights. There is a big difference between the two of them and the new pair is a definite improvement in terms of both style and weight.


A year ago I had yet to discover where I live now and I didn't quite realize that my summer romance had come to an end. Obviously quite a few things have changed since then and with four months left in this year I have to wonder what is going to happen next in my life. There are only so many things that I can predict and or control.

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