ferdinand and isabella

Sigh. Since Friday was so incredibly busy for me, I'm disappointed by how I ended up describing most of the day here. My feeling is that some of the events got muddled and lost their true impact. Emotion gave way to a laundry list that should have been more detailed if I had tried to put more effort into it. Somehow quantity got ahead of quality and that bothered me.


Today after work there weren't any errands to run. All that I had to do was mail some bills and return a movie. It was a contrast that I needed. Besides I was on the eve of my weekend and things are meant to slow down then.


A recent film version of the Henry James novel The Golden Bowl was returned without having been watched. An attempt had been made by me, but sleep was what my body wanted more than seeing Uma Thurman being naughty in a Merchant and Ivory way. What I saw of it I liked, but I just ran out of time.

Once the movie was returned the rest of the day was devoted to sleep. Actually it almost felt as though I were walking in my sleep when I went to take the movie back. Increasing humidity made me feel even more sluggish than I already felt and gave everything around me the unreal quality of a dream. I swear that the world seemed to shimmer at times.

Oh, besides returning the movie, I also managed to do some laundry when I finally woke up.


My mental picture of Barcelona is starting to come into focus from all of the reading that I have been doing.

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