ten days already

Early this morning I finished watching acts four and five of As You Like It and I remembered something about the play that I had forgotten. There are songs in the middle section and they can be a little trying on the nerves. Plus it tends to become an orgy of sorts in the woods where everyone is lusting after someone else. In the end the right people end up with one another, but it does tend to drag in the middle. Thankfully Rosalind ends the play with giving one more great speech.


I took a few more steps towards New Zealand today. Phone calls were made and ticket priced were checked. At the moment it looks as though March will be when I am leaving. I'll know the exact date sometime Monday or Tuesday.

It felt good to making progress on something and the trip will make this semester without class bearable.


With the first real taste of bitter cold this winter I didn't leave my house until I had to go to work. Venturing out once to get the mail was enough for me. I was content to stay inside and listen to the wind blow against the side of the house and the heat turn on in response to its efforts. It was a struggle that I didn't want to be part of if I could avoid it.


I may have spoken too soon about the Conrad novel. We as the reader have yet to set sail. There has been talk of a ship, but so far most of the action has taken place on land. What is even stranger is that the main protagonist has yet to say much in the book itself. As was the case in The Heart of Darkness where most of the characters talked about Kurtz, we have yet to hear much from or about the mystery woman in this book beyond a few background details given by the narrator.


A year ago today my grandmother had her stroke and that changed her life for the worse.

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