what about june

Last night had to be one of the best Sunday nights at work that I have had in months. What made it so wonderful was that it was quiet and problem free. The reason why it was that way is simple to explain. There wasn't any management around and the staff that was there was reduced to a skeleton crew. Personally I prefer it to be that way and it made the day feel like a holiday to me more so than doing something more traditional like seeing a parade or having a picnic. Then once my ten-hour shift was over, I walked out the front door in the morning, drove home and went to sleep.


May was quite the hectic month for me with the two biggest events being finishing school and going to Europe for the third time in my life. As for whether or not June is going to be as busy or eventful, I can't say just yet. What I do know is that I'll be helping my parents move in the middle of the month. Beyond that move everything else is wide open at the moment and part of me likes it that way.

As of now I don't feel the need to have too much structure in my life. Nor do I want to look to far into the rest of the year. The reason that I feel this way is that I don't want to kill my post vacation high prematurely by letting myself get bogged down in too many future details. There will be plenty of time to ask questions about what I want to do next with my life after I spend some time enjoying life.

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