six years ago

After work this morning, I drove out to my parents place to pick up my dreaded piece of mail and visit for a while. Not too surprisingly there was plenty to see and talk about when I was there. The biggest topic was the fact that a landscape crew was at their place transforming a weed infested lot of stony dirt into something much more pleasing to the eye. This was not something that they had done almost twenty years ago when they built their first house so all of us were eager to watch what was being done.

At their last place, which had been farmland for a generation or two, it took a long time to make a change in the landscape. Each year my father would plant new pine tress across their property only to lose a majority of them to the winter snow. Not having any real shelter from the wind, snow would bury these tiny trees and when the spring thaw finally started, all that would be left were rust colored needles on sticks for trunks. Nature worked against him.

My understanding is that this time they want something more formal and that is where the landscape crew came into the picture. They want something that will not only succeed, but look harmonious. Wherever a small pine managed to live gave their old yard a random haphazard look. Instead of a nice grouping of trees, the survivors would be scattered around and at different stages of growth. It was anything but organized.


Six years ago on this day I started working for my current employer. Back then I could never have guessed that I would still be there today. Up until this job the longest that I had ever stayed at the same company was for two years.

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