Equinox Although I may have sounded completely pathetic yesterday, I felt better after I had written the entry. Those moments will fade with time and I am very much alive and well. My life will go forward and there will be new friends and new girlfriends in the future. When and where this will happen I can not say. All that I know is that I will keep writing and learning about who I am and what makes me happy. Brenda has boxed me into a corner in her mind and nothing that I can do will change that fact. Its her way of dealing with what has happened between us. Maybe her aunt and her have a nickname for me and chuckle with one another when they use it, but it really doesn't matter. Yesterday I should have read my entry from last year before I uploaded. My opinion of the business world has not changed in a year. I still feel that very little changes in the business world. I also still believe in keeping my job separate from my personal life. Those two worlds should not mix. People reach a point in their life where they have to settle down at a company and make the best of it. I have yet to reach that point in my life. Even though I have only been at my job for a month, I doubt that I will be here more than three years. My long term goal is to be a consultant where I can make my own rules. Of course if I am not single three years from now this may no longer be an option for me. Brenda feared that I would hate my job a year from now and we would repeat the process of me complaining everyday about it. The amount of faith that she had in me was limited. More than once she would forecast the future and I was usually cast in a poor light. According to her, I am the source of doom and gloom. She said that I always said that the world was against me. I never said anything vaguely resembling that statement. The funny past is that she always struck me as being a very high strung person who had to have everything her way. When she did give in to something to me, I was expected to applaud her effort. Sigh. All of the above was written late last night. What follows was written tonight. I may very well be going solo on third shift next week. None of this really bothers me though. It was what I signed up for when I applied for the job. I know the environment and I know that I will do well. The biggest mistake that people can do in regards to me is underestimate me. Soon the midnight hour will be a part of my life again. Henry Rollins is coming to Milwaukee for his spoken word tour in October and I am going to be there.   audio input at the moment: Big Ugly Mouth - Henry Rollins