fleeting moments There are times when I annoy even myself. I start to complain about the brevity of the entries and then I do nothing to correct it. Then I step back for a moment and realize why I don't make any changes. The reason that I don't do anything about it is that I know that it doesn't matter or at least it doesn't to me. The moment has been lost and I can accept that fact. Personally I feel that once the initial mood of a moment is gone, it can never be recaptured. I suppose that one could argue that writers should be able to write about an emotional moment after it has passed, but I prefer not to do that here. Maybe I am spliting hairs, but I see this as a journal not a memoir. Of course knowing myself, I'll probably change my mind on this point tomorrow. Today is what I would call a wasted day. Beyond going to work, eating and sleeping, I did little else.