Michelangelo sibyl from the Sistine Chapel


leaving next week

I still get some rather odd looks when I tell people where I am going next week. In some ways, I guess that I can see their point of view. First of all it isn't as though I was going to the Caribbean or some other tropical hot spot. Nor is my destination an exotic locale like Africa or Asia. I also doubt that Nova Scotia makes very many top ten vacation lists, but all of this doesn't matter to me. I just want to be somewhere else for a time and in a few days that is what is going to happen.

Soon I will be somewhere that is not a part of my daily life. Everything that I see around me will be new. I will have escaped the dull routine that I seem to have fallen victim to in the past few months. My job and my house will be hundreds of miles away and not on my mind every waking moment. For me this is enough to qualify as a good vacation.

I finally have the time and money to travel and I am going to do it instead of talking about doing it. Things might be completely different for me in a year and I don't want to lose this opportunity that I have right now. I have no idea what my life will be like a year from now. Maybe I'll own a house. Maybe I'll have a different job. Maybe I'll be head over heels in love with some woman that I have yet to meet.

At the very least this vacation will give me something new to think and talk about when I return home.

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