01 - day of fog

17 - alert for a change

02 - noon means sleep

18 - corrupt email

03 - old stories

19 - ever so slowly

04 - a slow silence

20 - recovery ratio

05 - give me heat

21 - gattaca goth

06 - a droning undercurrent

22 - wedding rituals

07 - jumping ship

23 - low on time

08 - what is that smell

24 - woke to snow

09 - flush without fear

25 - six years later

10 - my little sister

26 - sergei and yuri

11 - strange weather

27 - another month ends

12 - my empire

28 - grinding gears

13 - downhill saturday


14 - that elusive word


15 - jacqueline du pre


16 - my body aches